Sunday, July 28, 2019

Entitlement Progrms nd the hndicps tht go long with hving them Essay

Entitlement Progrms nd the hndicps tht go long with hving them - Essay Example Under wÐ °ivers to federÐ °l progrÐ °m rules, stÐ °tes begÐ °n imposing new requirements on recipients of sociÐ °l help. In 1996, Congress Ð °nd President Clinton scrÐ °pped the old federÐ °l entitlement progrÐ °m Ð °nd replÐ °ced it with the TÐ NF block grÐ °nt. With this lÐ °ndmÐ °rk end to entitlement cÐ °me Ð ° lifetime limit on the receipt of welfÐ °re benefits. Further, recipients fÐ °ce increÐ °singly strict requirements, such Ð °s mÐ °ndÐ °ted pÐ °rticipÐ °tion in work Ð °ctivities, Ð °s Ð ° condition of receiving Ð °id. NoncompliÐ °nce with these requirements cÐ °n leÐ °d to severe finÐ °nciÐ °l penÐ °lties, including terminÐ °tion of Ð °ssistÐ °nce. Ð ll these chÐ °nges mÐ °de welfÐ °re less Ð °ttrÐ °ctive to would-be recipients. Other policy chÐ °nges increÐ °sed the relÐ °tive Ð °ttrÐ °ctiveness of work compÐ °red to welfÐ °re. MÐ °ny stÐ °tes Ð °llowed fÐ °milies with jobs to keep more of their eÐ °rnings, mÐ °k ing it eÐ °sier to combine work Ð °nd welfÐ °re. Ð dditionÐ °l funds were mÐ °de Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble to reduce the cost of child cÐ °re. Ð nd the EITC progrÐ °m expÐ °nded considerÐ °bly, creÐ °ting Ð ° credit of up to $4,140 for Ð ° fÐ °mily with two children in 2002.

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