Thursday, July 25, 2019

Admission for EMBA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Admission for EMBA - Essay Example 1. I will complete my graduation education within the stipulated period of time and achieve excellent academic results, acquire knowledge on key areas which will help in toning up my management related skills. I have to successfully complete the Masters in Business Administration course work first within the course duration. . In order to work in an international organization I have to concentrate on understanding multi cultural communication. The university offers excellent opportunity and during my course work I will acquire related knowledge. My short term goals are based on the level of attainability they have. Taking into consideration the current status of my career my priority will be heavily on completing my Masters in Business Administration course in an effective manner. Over the duration of the program I will concentrate on enhancing my communication, leadership and other such skills required of a business administrator in operations of an organization. Upon completion of the course I want to be able to devise a CV that is specific to the business administration field, which will help improve the prospects of me achieving employment in a leading organization operating on a global scale. I will submit all work related to course in a manner that gives excellent results. I will outperform all students involved in the course. I will make use of opportunities provided by the university during my education to get more knowledgeable on both the theoretical and practical concepts of management. The time scale of completion of my course work has to be in correspondence to the end date specified by the University for my business administration Course Work. The progress that I am able to achieve will be continuously measured on semester basis to ensure I am in track in order to achieve my career goals. My short term goals are to attend all course related classes and take part in seminars organized at

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