Monday, July 29, 2019

Artificial Intelligence for the Eldery

Artificial Intelligence for the elderly How AAA is being created to aid the elderly September 16, 2013 Christine ruff INFANT, Instructor: Sherry Soothers Artificial Intelligence can help keep our elderly out of our 16,000 overcrowded and under staffed nursing homes. In this paper I will discuss how AAA is being created to aid in the care of our elderly. I will also provide some amazing, staggering statistics and on how Artificial Intelligence is now and will provide this care in the very near future. Artificial Intelligence the theory and the development of computer systems able o perform tasks that are normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception. Speech recognition, decision making, and translation between languages. John McCarthy created the term Artificial Intelligence in 1956 and was a well- regarded professor of emeritus computer science at Stanford University for a large part of his professional career. Not only did he coin the term, but he continued to explain the field for more than 50 years. In a conference at Dartmouth he wrote the study is to proceed on the basis of the conjuncture that every aspect of learning or NY other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. This was a huge milestone for computer science. In 1958 he invented the computer language known as LISP which is still used today. JOHN McCarthy was even working on exploring interstellar travel in the asss up until close to his death on 2011. There are so many ways AAA can be useful in healthcare, such as Melanoma Impenetrably-using insisting which was able to identify 7 targets that could be used in the development of new therapies for cancer patients. Nanotechnology is also being created to include early detection of a number of diseases, environmental contaminants and even biological and chemical weapons. Due to the diverse use of these applications Nanoseconds are expected to impact many sectors including but not limited to Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals. Another way AAA is making changes in our Healthcare is with Robots. Robots will be, in the near future a huge part of our Healthcare. Later I will explain the impact Artificial Intelligence and Robotics will have on our elderly. Robotic Surgery is a type of surgery that gives the surgeon the ability to perform a growing number of complex procedures using AAA computer like the Deviance S I This system allows surgeons to operate more adjectively and efficiently. This robot has two parts that are connected . The 1st part (the Tower) is place above the patient during surgery and with 3 of its 4 arms ,can hold a number of different surgical instruments and the 4th arm holds a ad-high -defy. Amerada. The console (the 2nd part) is where the surgeons sits and operates the arms while looking through a stereoscopic monitor which provide a ad view of the surgical site. Using biotic surgery allows the patients a faster recovery with less pain and minimal blood loss during surgery. Today in Europe there are trials with a robot called Hector which is part of the C ompanionable project run by a Professor ATT Baddie of the University of Reading in the I-J. This project integrates mobile assisted robot (hector) with a smart home e to better support elderly living at home. This err project is in its final stages in Holland and Belgium with elderly people. We hope Hector will help people stay independent for longer, receive care in their own homes and avoid unplanned capital admission(Professor ATT Baddie @ the university of Reading in the KICK). Len June of 2012 the final trials and demo for Hector, the Companionable Robot, where taking place. Hector is one way AAA can assist the elderly. Some of the care support Hector provides are memoir service, for an example . Reminders for taking medication on time, fall detection capabilities. Hector can help with falls by helping the remote control center asses how serious the fall is and what kind of emergency help is needed. This AAA robot offers solutions to suit various home setting to support assisted independent living. Artificial Intelligence will allow our elderly to stay in their homes longer instead of giving up everything they own to live in an over-crowded and under staffed nursing home that cost too much only to end up with additional costly medical conditions (such as bedsores, dehydration, falls and abuse),which can be avoided with the proper care and attention. The need for AAA in elderly care; As Americans get older and live longer so does the need for better more efficient Healthcare. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, over 13. % of the population is an older American (65+) and about 29% (1 1. Million) of the institutionalized older persons live alone. By the year 2030 there will be approve 72,1 million, that is 2 times their number in the year 2000. This brings the possibility of accidental falls up, and the chance of being place in a nursing home up as well. In 2007 there where a estimated . 4 million elderly living in nursing homes , 90% of which were too understaffed and over-crowded to provide adequate care. With all the early Baby boomers reaching the age of 58 to 67, there will be a demand or quality Healthcare and nursing homes shortly thereafter. An estimated 3. 3 million Americans will live in the nations 16,000 nursing homes during 2013. Which meaner 1 and 7 people ages 65 and up and more than 1 and 5 of those 85+ and older ,http:// healthiness. Ms. Mom/diseases/careening/us-news-best-nursing-homes-2013 This is a staggering number of people entering nursing homes which will bring the need for more nursing start. In April tot 2 3 the US DISH released a report, The US Nursing Workforce: Trends in Supply and Education that states that in forgot every 100,000 people there were only 920. Runs and for every 100. 000 people there were only 225. 0 Lips. These are Just a few of the statistics. Which brings me back to the reason we should employ Artificial Intelligence in our elderly homes to ensure a better quality of life. Hector the robot companion along with a smart home environment, elderly patients would have help in their homes which would relieve some of the help needed by family and nursing staff. Having AAA robots along with the smart home would prevent, over medication, give medications reminders, and give around the clock companionship and prevision . AI robots would also provide memory training, motivation suggestions and fall detection along with support. Ai would also help to keep our 16,000 nursing homes from continuously becoming over-crowded and understaffed. Artificial Intelligence would also help to lower the risk of abuse and neglect, because the elderly would be able to stay in their homes therefore the threat of abuse and neglect is no longer an issue. Neglect and abuse is caused by these facilities becoming desperate to fill the needed positions that some have overlooked criminal cords and under qualified applicants. Low pay and high turnover rate also makes it hard to properly train staff in the proper procedures needed to prevent bed sores, dehydration, over medicating and not giving the patient his or her medication at all. These all can be averted by implementing Artificial Intelligence such as HECTOR. PROS and CONS; Nursing homes, The biggest pro to having nurses is the personal care is they provide, which is vital to anyones recovery. A Nurse would be able to react to an emergency more quickly that a robot because of the physical training like CPRM. And finally employment of nurses will help keep the personal touch and our economy will also benefit with less unemployment. The cons to having nurses would have to be the inability to remain with the patient at all times, which can open the doors to falls, bed sores and other preventable deaths.

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